Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Honorary Membership Recipient JN Reddy

Honorary Membership Recipient JN Reddy Honorary Membership Recipient JN Reddy Honorary Membership Recipient J.N. ReddyAn analytical thinker who excelled in mathematics, J.N. Reddy decided to pursue engineering on the advice of his teacher in Hyderabad, India, in 1962. A passionate teacher and researcher, Dr. Reddy views mathematics as the language of engineers and believes his role is to use the knowledge he has to serve the community. In his words, That which is given is not lost.Dr. Reddy, a distinguished professor, regents professor, and the holder of the Oscar S. Wyatt Endowed Chair in the department of mechanical engineering at Texas AM University, College Station, is recognized with Honorary Membership for distinctive and pioneering contributions to research and education in applied and computational mechanics through the development of refined theories and as the author of well-received books on composite materials, continuum and applied mechanics, and computational methods.Dr . Reddy taught at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK (1975-80), and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA (1980-92). He was a research scientist at Lockheed Missiles and Space (1974-75) following his postdoctoral fellowship at the Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics at the University of Texas, Austin (1973-74).His research interests include mathematical formulation and analysis of problems in applied mechanics including solid and structural mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, computational heat transfer, biomechanics, and the development of mathematical models and computational schemes based on the finite element method of problems in composite materials and structures, plates and shells, fluid dynamics, and nano and biological systems. His finite element models, in parts, have been implemented into commercial software including Abaqus, NISA, and Hyperform.Dr. Reddy is the author of more than 450 journal papers and 17 books, many of wh ich have been adopted as textbooks. He is one of only a few researchers in engineering recognized by Thomson Reuters as a highly cited researcher, with over 10,000 citations and an h-index of 49. His editorial board service includes over two dozen journals, and he is the editor in chief of three other journals. He has delivered over 100 lectures at conferences around the world.A Fellow of ASME, Dr. Reddy was associate editor (1997-2007) of Applied Mechanics Reviews and is now editor-in-chief. He is an organizer of symposia at the summer and annual meetings. Among his prior activities, he was the faculty advisor of Oklahoma Universitys ASME Student Section (1976-79) member (1981-93), vice chair (1993-95), and chair (1995-97) of the Applied Mechanics Divisions Committee on Computing in Applied Mechanics member of the ASMEs Committee on Composite Materials (1982-92) and associate editor for the Journal of Applied Mechanics (1992-98). He received the Worcester Reed Warner Medal (1992) a nd the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award (1995).He is also a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the International Association for Computational Mechanics, the United States Association for Computational Mechanics, the American Academy of Mechanics, the Aeronautical Society of India, the Institution of Structural Engineers, and the American Society for Composites. He was a member of the Society of Engineering Sciences Board of Governors.Dr. Reddy received his bachelors degree in mechanical engineering at Osmania University in Hyderabad, India, in 1968. He earned his masters degree in mechanical engineering from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, in 1970, and his Ph.D. in engineering mechanics at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 1973. Dr. Reddy holds an honorary degree from the Technical University of Lisbon, portugiesische republik (2009). He is a registered Professional Engineer in Oklahoma.Dr. Reddy views mathematics as the language of engineers and believes his role is to use the knowledge he has to serve the community.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What to expect from Generation Z as they enter the workforce

What to expect from Generation Z as they enter the workforceWhat to expect from Generation Z as they enter the workforceThe first members of Generation Z have hit adulthood, and numbers suggest they mean major demographic changes for America.A new report by the Pew Research Center has found that post-Millennials ages 6-21 are more diverse and more prone to pursuing an education than past generations were. Theyre also more concentrated in urban and metropolitan areas - only 13% still reside in rural locations.As young adults from Generation Z go onto higher education, theyre less likely to be in the workforce, though those who are getting paid more than past generations. Heres what we know about why so much is changing with Generation Z, and what that means for the future of work.From first to second generationA quarter of post-Millennials are Hispanic. But only 12% of Hispanic post-Millennials are foreign-born, compared to 24% of Millennials 16 years ago. Most are children of immigr ants, though more than a third were parented by U.S. citizens.This switch from the first to second generation has major ramifications for Hispanic post-Millennials and their futures. In 2002, only 60% of Hispanic Millennials had completed high school. brde year, 76% of Hispanic 18- to 20-year-olds had finished their secondary education, nearing the overall high school completion rate of 80% for post-Millennials in that age range.Hispanic students are also now more likely to continue their academic journey after secondary school.More than half (55%) of Hispanic 18- to 20-year-olds who were no longer in high school were enrolled in college last year, according to the Pew report. Less than half of their Millennial (34%) and Gen X (28%) peers were pursuing college at a similar age.Specific corners of the country are disproportionately affected by these demographic changes. 36% of post-Millennials in urban counties and 40% of people ages 6-21 in the West identified as Hispanic.Leaning in Almost two-thirds of women ages 18-20 who were no longer in high school were enrolled at a college in 2017. Thats compared to 59% overall, when both genders are taken into account.The reports authors hypothesize that womens increased access to higher education likely stems from lower teen pregnancy rates. Only 12% of women ages 18-21 had children in 2016, compared to 21% of Millennials who were burdened by parenting responsibilities at similar ages.The report found that even Generation Z women who are detached - neither in school nor working - are less likely to be married than similar young women from two generations before them. Together, these numbers seem to indicate that post-Millennials are edging nearer toward modern womanhood, where women prioritize professional success at least as much as their personal lives.Welcome to workAmerican consumers may have noticed fewer teenagers behind the counters at fast food restaurants or in other entry-level jobs. Thats because less than 20% of 15- to 17-year-olds said they worked at all in 2017, and this year, only 15% of post-Millennials in the saatkorn age group worked full-time.More than half of people ages 18-21 were employed in 2017 however, that marks a dramatic drop from the nearly three-fourths of Millennials 18-21 who worked in 2001.These shifts indicate that members of Generation Z may be more interested in padding their resumes with academics than work experience. But for those who do choose to get their hands dirty, the payoff is greater than for past generations 18- to 21-year-olds today can expect a median paycheck of $19,000, around $2,300 more than Millennials got in 2002.

Monday, December 16, 2019

10 Things to Consider Before You Accept a New Job Offer

10 Things to Consider Before You Accept a New Job Offer10 Things to Consider Before You Accept a New Job OfferVery few of us will retire from the same employer that gave us our first job out of school. While some of those job changes might be involuntary, due to a layoff or termination or other circumstances beyond our control, eventually, well be the ones to say goodbye. That means knowing when to stay and when to go and being aware that its not always easy to tell the difference at first glance. You dont need to accept an offer for a new job just because someone offered it to you. Sometimes, it might make sense to take a job you dont wantbut not always. Will You Earn More? Money isnt everything, but you cant enjoy much of anything without it- constant worry about finances has a way of taking the joy out of life. While a higher salary isnt the only reason to take a job, most people want to see a steady increase in salary over time. If your present employer doesnt offer much in the way of regular raises (and if they dont, theyre not alone- in one survey, cost-of-living adjustments for 2018 were estimated at 3%), your best bet might be to move on to greener pastures. Of course, before you take the cash and run, you better make sure it adds up to as much as you hope. Compensation isnt just a matter of whats printed on your paycheck. Make sure you arent trading higher contributions to health insurance or other before-tax benefits for a slightly higher paycheck... which will go to pay for those self-same benefits.Use these free paycheck calculators to figure out what your net income will be. What Are You Giving Up? Unless your job is truly wretched, there are probably a few things you like about it, even if its just the people you work with or an easy commute. Make sure youre looking at all the pros and cons of leaving and staying before you make up your mind- even if, in the end, its a pretty easy call. Is There Room for Growth? If youre like most peo ple, you probably dont want to change jobs every year for the rest of your life, but you need to know that youll meet new challenges and learn new skills, even when you stay put. Ideally, your new role should come with the possibility of growing into another, mora responsible position at the same company. Nothing like moving up the corporate ladder without having to roll over your 401(k). Is the Corporate Culture Comfortable? Everyone has their own idea of a good time, and thats as true professionally as it is personally. While you might look at an open-plan office and see one big party of creativity and collaboration, another person might cringe and go running back to their cube. If possible, ask to take a tour of the office during your einstellungsgesprch process. Pay close attention to the physical space, noise level, demeanor and behavior of the staff, etc. Do you see yourself working well there, and feeling comfortable? Theres no perfect company, but there is a perfect comp any for you. Did You Like Your New Co-Workers? You cant tell everything about your future co-workers by what you see during your interview, but you can get a general vibe of what kind of personality shines at the company. Can you see yourself working well with people, respecting them, learning from them? Will You Learn Something New? Theres no way to be 100 percent sure that youll love your new job, but if you can learn a new skill while youre there, youll have moved the needle on your career, no matter what. Are You Improving Your Opportunities? Lets say the worst happens, and you hate your new job- or your new boss foolishly decides youre not a good fit. Will moving to this new position put you in a better or worse place than youre in right now? Ideally, youre leaving your current role to move to a situation in which youll gain experience, knowledge, skills, and a positive brand association that will help you in your career long after youve left your next job. What Is Employee Turnover at the New Employer? You hate stress, but this company is famous for making grown men weep in the middle of the office. You value diversity, but everyone who stays long enough for their stock to vest hangs out at the same alumni club. If you want to know whether youll be happy and successful at a job, look at the folks who left or were forced out. If you resemble them more than the people who stayed, you could be in trouble. Is the New Company Financially Sound? Your new employer could be the perfect place for you, and your new job the ideal role- but if the company isnt around long enough for you to get your first review, it wont matter. Do your due diligence before accepting an offer. If the company is public, you may be able to glean some information on their financial stability from public filings and reports. You can also dig up some information with a simple Google search and perusal of their social media mentions. Bearing in mind, of course, that ele ctronic gossip is likely to be as complete a picture as the old-fashioned kind that takes place around the water cooler- which is to say, it isnt. Thats OK, though you dont need to know everything. You just need to get a sense of whether there might be trouble ahead. Will It Help You Along Your Career Path? Just as your last job wasnt, well, your last job neither is this one likely to be. Make sure that your next step leads in the right direction, and not into a corner. Careers can and do zigzag, but you need to be able to keep moving.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why Ive decided to stop stressing about the future

Why Ive decided to stop stressing about the futureWhy Ive decided to stop stressing about the futureIm a chronic look-ahead-er. Ive been that way for as long as I can remember.Ive tried just about every trick in the book to try to focus on the present moment rather than hesitantly and anxiously looking ahead into the unknown. A wonderful former therapist told me that looking ahead causes anxiety and looking behind causes regret, so its important to work to stay in the present moment. This is a helpful, logical way of thinking, but the question remains for me - how do I do it?What I knowI know thatpracticing meditationeven for just a few moments per day helps. And I know thatstaying organizedand allowing myself to have a feeling of control helps, too. Exercise and its accompanying endorphins often loosen the tight grip of anxiety that I sometimes feel in my chest. And so do gentle reminders - my mom told me an analogy once that compared looking ahead to swimming - its important to focus only on each individual stroke rather than the ultimate end of the lap.How I get trappedMy anxiety du jour is that I once again find myself at the crossroads of a career transition. I wrote about it a few months back, but I will be finishing up a graduate degree in English in December. This degree is quite broad I know I have the opportunity to apply my newly-acquired skills to many different areas. But with that comes the next question where do I turn? What do I do? And then come the tailspin questions (often riddled with imposter syndrome) will I be able to find a job I love? Am I adding too many twists and turns to my career path? What if Im not qualified enough? How will I pay the bills? What if I hate the new job? How will I know if its right?And once Im in this mindset, no matter how many times work on my breathing or picture the swimmer, the anxiety grips me.A change of perspectiveTheres a beautiful wooded trail near my house that I walk just about every day. I was rece ntlylistening to a podcastand was struck when the interviewer asked the interviewee what they planned to do next. For some reason, that word lodged itself into my brain and stayed. I kept walking and it became a near-mantra that day. With the pace of my stride, I thought, next, next, next, next This little word somehow sparked in me a shift in mindset. Instead of focusing so much on what I should do for the rest of my life and worrying about the broad, distant questions, I have continued to repeat the word next to myself what do I want to donext? What is thenextbest step for me? Whatnextstep will help keep me on the path that feels inherently right? What can I donextto help better myself?What I focus on nowInstead of what is foreverjust, what is next? Im almost 30 and realize that I am still pretty young- with many years of my career still ahead of me. Instead of finding the be all, end all path, maybe its okay that I continue on a more circuitous route. It can cause anxiety, sure, but maybe theres some fun in not knowing what is to come. Maybe the trick is to move away from the perceived stability of forever and focus on the excitement - instead of the anxiety - of the unknown. Maybe the point is to look forward, but just a step or two ahead - toward the next.This article was originally posted on CareerContessa.com.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Choosing Good Worked Synonym Resume

Choosing Good Worked Synonym Resume The skills ought to be modified slightly to ensure it is applicable for the particular job description. Relevant skills ought to be backed by further data in the resume. Its not sufficient to say that you developed strong communication skills, you ought to be in a position to back this up. Communication and computer handling skills are also rather important in regards to cashier resume. The Ultimate Worked Synonym Resume Trick The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. For instance, an applicant can have a telephone interview and then an in-person interview. Sadly, a lengthy career may be a double-edged sword in the present marketplace. The Downside Risk of Worked Synonym Resume In general, the above mentioned outline is remarkably simple because the work search procedure, despite all of the anxiety and confusion, is remarkably straightforward. Search online for nursery certification templates and youll see lots of distinct templates that you pick. ur large variety of downloadable resume templates is totally free for all to use and a good resource to kick off the writing process. You will discover a whole lot more work experience letter templates its possible to discover over the net. You might also have a peek at some useful resume keywords to further improve your resume. Try to remember that you will require a cover letter to have the greatest chances of landing employment. So you wish to find out more about the business first, then discover the name of the boss and write them a letter. If youve got an exact sparse work history, you might want to concentrate on the next section instead. The Hidden Treasure of Worked Synonym Resume What you ought to do is to show employers the reason that you are a great match for the job position youre applying. Put that achievement on your resume to demonstrate that it is possible to adapt when challenged an excellent employers search for. Employers reall y like to realize that youre motivated by the opportunity to learn not only by a paycheck. Otherwise, they will not know if you are able to effectively work on your own. A functional resume can make it simpler for potential employers to observe the way you can add value to their organization and might help you get your foot in the door for a work interview. Youve got to mention your work objective. A in depth education section is the meat of a university student resume, so be sure you dont brush over it. You have to tailor your resume to each work application so that it responds to the particular prerequisites of the job which youre applying for. As noted in the introduction, there are times when you will discover work ad that specifically asks for a multi-tasker there are lots of jobs, such as personal assistant that require the capacity to juggle an assortment of tasks. You also need to tailor your resume to demonstrate the way your work experience specifically meets the requ irements of the job that youre applying for. Under the job section, you truly feel free to list jobs, volunteer work and many more. The time needed to submit an application is dependent on the job youre applying for and the agencys requirements. The Argument About Worked Synonym Resume Unless you happen to be a graphic designer looking for employment, theres no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. If you get a very long hair, it is wise to tie this up in a tidy pony. You found waste, and figured out a means to remove it. Worked Synonym Resume An excellent resume ought to be standard. Your resume needs to make them obvious. Additional security checks may be required for a higher-level clearance. Just the exact first letter, of the exact first sentence, ought to be capitalized. More precise words may also add a little formality to your actions, she states. Any detail which you can offer in explanation will provide help. You wouldnt, as an example, want to CAPI TALIZE, ITALICIZE, AND UNDERLINE parts of text. Worked Synonym Resume Fundamentals Explained Your odds of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is crucial. People today rely on one anothers help to find work done. Vital Pieces of Worked Synonym Resume Experience letters, requesting prospective organizations to provide you a chance to work with them can help it become feasible that you create a positive impression. It is possible to supplement whats on the webpage with links to your work but you need to motivate the hiring manager to take the excess step required. Whenever your application is ready, you will be sent from USAJOBS to the agency application system and its possible to submit your application. Both resumes and web sites are made to showcase an individual or company in the very best light possible. If youve been requested to submit a company resume, you may be registering the uh-oh issue. When it isnt, you might want to get in touch with the company for more information concerning the job. Like web websites, a company resume could benefit from the suggestions and suggestions of important employees. Tips You could be writing a company resume because youre competing with similar companies for continuing project work.

Monday, December 2, 2019

CCAP Nearly Half of Recent College Grads Underemployed

CCAP Nearly Half of Recent College Grads Underemployed According to a newly released study by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, nearly half of recent graduates are working in jobs that they are overqualified for. The study, entitled Why Are Recent Graduates Underemployed? University Enrollments and Labor-Market Realities, revealed that about 48 percent of the nations employed college graduates are in jobs that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) suggests requires less than a four-year college degree. An additional 11 percent of employed college graduates are currently working in jobs requiring more than a high-school diploma but less than a bachelors, while 37 percent are in occupations requiring no more than a high-school diploma. The report said that around five million college graduates have jobs that the BLS says require less than a high school education. One reason the s tudy gives for this issue is that past and projected future growth in college enrollments and the number of graduates exceeds the actual or projected growth in high-skilled jobs. The report did note that rising college expenses and the decline in perceptions on benefits of a degree may lead to declining enrollments and market share for traditional schools and the development of new methods of certifying occupation competence.Other findings includedComparisons between average college and high school earnings are highly misleading due to high college-dropout rates and overproduction of college graduates, which lowers recent graduate earnings relative to those graduating earlierNot all colleges are equal as typical graduates of elite private schools earn more than graduates of state universities yet state university graduates fare better than those attending non-selective institutionsNot all majors are equal. For example, engineering and economics graduates usually earn almost double w hat social work and education graduates receive by mid-careerTo see the full report, click here.