Friday, May 29, 2020


You Bug Recruiters. Read This To Learn Why/How. I asked a question on RecruitingBlogs: What bugs you about candidates? I got excellent responses, including (you have to read their comments, in their own words): Your (mis)use of LinkedIn, How and when you contact recruiters (including follow-up), Telling recruiters how to do their job, Having a bad resume or cover letter, Not being prepared for interviews, Talking too much, Addressing a (email, cover letter, etc.) to the wrong person, Overstating how great you are, And, praying for too long (seriously, read it page two, by Sandra, #4. Sandra is awesome ) I hesitated sharing this list lest you think youve read it before.  But you really should read their comments, because they see this stuff all day long. How bad is this?  Check out Andrews parting words: When economists say that our unemployment rate is at general thought is, it is amazing it is that low cause based on some of the idiots I come in contact withit should be much higher. Im sure none of my JibberJobber users, or readers, make these mistakes right?  Of course not. Read the comments anyway, just to make sure you arent violating anything You Bug Recruiters. Read This To Learn Why/How. I asked a question on RecruitingBlogs: What bugs you about candidates? I got excellent responses, including (you have to read their comments, in their own words): Your (mis)use of LinkedIn, How and when you contact recruiters (including follow-up), Telling recruiters how to do their job, Having a bad resume or cover letter, Not being prepared for interviews, Talking too much, Addressing a (email, cover letter, etc.) to the wrong person, Overstating how great you are, And, praying for too long (seriously, read it page two, by Sandra, #4. Sandra is awesome ) I hesitated sharing this list lest you think youve read it before.  But you really should read their comments, because they see this stuff all day long. How bad is this?  Check out Andrews parting words: When economists say that our unemployment rate is at general thought is, it is amazing it is that low cause based on some of the idiots I come in contact withit should be much higher. Im sure none of my JibberJobber users, or readers, make these mistakes right?  Of course not. Read the comments anyway, just to make sure you arent violating anything

Monday, May 25, 2020

Investment Advice for REAL People

Investment Advice for REAL People “Investment”. Let’s just take a sec and think about that word, what it evokes. “Investment”. Let’s just take a sec and think about that word, what it evokes. If the image forming in the ether of your mind looks something like a jowly, whitehaired man, scowling through his glasses, then you know why the idea of “investment” is unrelatable to many within the general populace. How can anyone have time to think about investment, much less actually do it, when you’ve got a job, kids, a whole life just barely not spinning out of control. I’m here to say that now is the time to invest, even if it’s just a little. When you are young, your money has a lot of time to grow. When you are old and things are slower, you really will wish that you had started now. Luckily, it’s easier than ever to do this. The advice I’m going to give you isn’t the same stuff you see everywhere else. It’s how I personally save a good bit of the money that I put into simple, growing investments for my future and the future of my kids. Max Out the Amount the Government Takes Out of Your Paycheck. Any financial advisor will say that this is bad advice. You could easily have the government take the normal amount, then save the rest in an interest generating account or investment. To this I say: real world. I’m like you. I find a way to spend every bit of money that’s leftover from my bills and mortgage, even when I don’t realize it. By paying too much tax, then getting a big juicy return, I automatically throw that cash into my IRA, which gets it almost to the yearly maximum when my husband and I both contribute. Is it the best way to do this? No. Is it the only way I’ll do it? Yes. Use Automatic Savings Whenever Possible. I love automatic savings like Digit, Mint, and programs through my bank. I’m able to save hundreds of dollars a year, without even trying. That’s because the money is leached out of my account in tiny bursts, sitting in another account where I can’t get my grubby hands on it. Then at the end of the year, I throw it all into my IRA to actually make it to my yearly maximum contribution. Actually Learn Something About Investing. Investing isn’t all about complex strategies and fat men smoking cigars. Sometimes it’s just about prioritizing simple life decisions. One such decision was the one we made to buy our house and stop renting. This way we started to generate equity that’s wealth. We are considering buying another house and renting it out to yield money to go to college someday for our kid. Buying a house was really inconvenient at the time. We didn’t have time for all the calls, the paperwork. But now that we have over 30% equity in our home, I see that it was the best thing to do. Reading about investment is similar. You don’t have time to read boring books are IRAs and mutual funds. But it’s worth making the time. Even if you only get to understand those two concepts, you’ll be way ahead of the game. Start by reading about debt, and learn how to do away with yours. Seriously, so many people don’t take the time to do this, and they get to a po int in life where they really wish they had. There are lots of other ways to invest, but these are the ones I have meaningfully applied to my life. With time, I hope to learn more, but even having only implemented these, I feel a lot better about my financial future than I did a couple years ago. I wish the same feeling for you and the ones you love.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Exercising For Good Health The Real Reasons To Get Moving In 2017

Exercising For Good Health The Real Reasons To Get Moving In 2017 Exercising is one of the most common New Years resolutions. However, in many cases, this takes top spot because people want to lose weight after the indulgence of the festive period. Exercise is an important contributor to weight loss, but this is not its only benefit. You don’t have to be overweight to want to get in shape. Being active has incredible health benefits for everyone. If you’ve set yourself the goal of getting fit in 2017, here are some of the most important reasons to try and reach your target. Image Source Mental health Most people automatically think of the physical benefits of exercise when they take up a new training regime. However, the efficacy of exercise in treating mental health issues should not be overlooked. If you work out on a regular basis, you’ll soon notice that it alters your mind, as well as your body. One of the main reasons people take to exercise is the feeling it gives them during and after a session. You may feel like you’re running out of steam and you can’t physically give any more. But afterwards, you’re rewarded with a natural euphoric high. This is caused by a series of reactions, which take place in your brain when your body is moving. Serotonin, a chemical, which is responsible for regulating your mood, is released, and this makes you feel more content. Levels of endorphins, known as happy hormones, also rise when you’re working out. Studies have shown that in cases of mild and moderate depression, exercise can be as effective as taking antidepressant medication. It can also lower the risk of developing depression by up to 30 percent. Physical activity is also a proven stress-buster, which has several important benefits. Stress is one of the most common causes of insomnia. People who exercise regularly are much more likely to enjoy stable sleep patterns than those who live a sedentary lifestyle. If you’re feeling stressed, it’s worth seeing if exercise works for you. There’s an assumption that you have to complete intensive workouts when you hear the word exercise. But anything that gets your heart going is beneficial. Go for a walk after work or do a yoga class. Take your bike out instead of the car or take up martial arts. There’s something for everyone, and you should soon find something you enjoy. There’s also evidence to suggest that exercising frequently can lower the risk of dementia. According to a review of eleven separate studies cited by the Alzheimer’s Society, dementia risk can be reduced by up to 30 percent. If you don’t enjoy playing sport, hobbies like gardening, walking and even doing household chores, can be beneficial. Heart health Your heart is your most precious organ. Every day, it beats continually without you even giving it a second thought. There are lots of things you can do to boost heart health, and one of the most effective is to stick to a regular exercise program. You don’t have to go to the gym all the time if you don’t enjoy it. Even making simple changes in your everyday life will make a difference. Get up and stretch your legs every hour in the office. Walk or cycle to work and always take the stairs. Wear a pedometer to keep track of the number of steps you take. If your numbers are low, try and move more. Make time for a walk, a jog or an exercise class. Your heart is a muscle, and just like your other muscles, it needs conditioning. Experts from the American Heart Association advise adults to complete 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. By doing this, you will reduce your risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. All of these are risk factors for heart disease. If you have existing heart conditions, such as atrial fibrillation or family history of heart disease, maintaining an active lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of complications. For more information, you’ll find sites like useful. When you work out regularly, or you’re active each and every day, your heart becomes stronger and more efficient. Cardiovascular exercise causes your resting heart rate to drop, and your circulation to improve. Weight and resistance training strengthen the muscle tissue, resulting in more powerful contraction. Research shows that 80 percent of Americans aren’t doing enough exercise. If you’re keen to do more, these tips will help Image Source Tackling the C word Cancer is a word we all dread hearing. Every year, cancer kills around 7.6 million people in the US alone. Globally, this is one of the biggest killers out there. Cancer is caused by genetic mutations, which cause cells to replicate abnormally. This results in the development of lumps known as tumors. In many cases, it’s not possible to prevent cancer. However, some forms of cancer are closely linked to lifestyle factors. Research shows that regular exercise can act as a protective factor for some types of cancer, including colon and breast cancer. Studies show that exercising around 5 times per week can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 15-20 percent and colon cancer by up to 50 percent. In the case of breast cancer, experts believe that cancer risk is affected by hormone levels. When you work out, your levels of both estrogen and testosterone fall. More than 50 studies have been carried out on the link between physical activity and colon cancer. Scientists believe that there are multiple benefits of exercise, including insulin regulation and reduced exposure to potential carcinogens. Carcinogens are chemicals or substances, which are known to increase cancer risk. Image Source Preventing type 2 diabetes There are two different forms of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 2 is much more common than type 1, which is usually present at birth or diagnosed in childhood. Diabetes occurs the body is unable to regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels due to abnormal insulin or low insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone, which is secreted by the pancreas. It helps to control the levels of sugar in your blood. Statistics from the CD show that almost 10 percent of the US population has type 2 diabetes. In many cases, type 2 diabetes is linked to lifestyle factors. It is often associated with obesity, inactivity, and a poor diet. When you have low levels of insulin, or you produce insulin that doesn’t function properly, this can result in dehydration and weakness. In the long-term, diabetes can also cause severe damage to the nerves and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. This occurs when the fatty deposits collect in the artery walls, restricting blood flow to and from the heart. This is one of the most dangerous risk factors for heart attacks and stroke. Exercise can help people with diabetes in many ways. It is often a powerful weight loss tool, which can help you reach a healthy, stable weight. You’re much less likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes if you have a healthy body mass index (BMI). Working out and moving more can also improve the function of your insulin, which means that you can control your blood glucose levels more effectively. If you’re obese, it’s not always easy to get into an exercise regime. If you have a lot of weight to lose, it’s wise to work with your doctor and a personal trainer, so that you can ensure that you’re doing activities that are suitable. You may start with light cardio exercises, and as you get fitter, you can expand the range of sports or exercises you do. Swimming is often a good place to start, as it gives you a full-body workout without applying serious pressure on your joints. Taking walks and trying activities like golf can also help you to build up your endurance and strength gradually. Image Source Stepping up your exercise regime won’t have a positive impact on diabetes if there are issues with the diet. When you have diabetes, you have to be very careful about what you eat and regulate your intake of sugar. To get the best results, ask your doctor or a nutritionist for a healthy eating plan, which is tailored to your condition. After Christmas, many of us turn our attention to shedding those extra pounds and set ourselves the goal of getting in shape. If you are overweight, it’s always beneficial to take steps to reach a healthy weight. However, it’s essential to understand that exercising is not solely a means of trimming down your waist or toning up love handles. Exercise is incredibly important for your health. Numerous studies show that regular activity reduces your risk of a host of life-threatening illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. It can also have amazing benefits for your mind. If you are determined to get in shape, there’s no better motivation than knowing that you’re giving yourself every chance of living a long, healthy and happy life. Image Source Title Image Source

Monday, May 18, 2020

Careers Checklist for Final Year Students University of Manchester Careers Blog

Careers Checklist for Final Year Students University of Manchester Careers Blog Written by Zofia Rozalska, Student Engagement Consultant at the Careers Service In your final year of study and wondering What next? Its totally fine to feel overwhelmed with the amount of important decisions you have to make in your final year. So weve come up with a handy checklist that will hopefully help you take things one step at a time. Get started with LinkedIn Add a LinkedIn profile, keep it updated and join professional groups. It’s a great way to make yourself visible to potential employers and make connections with people you already know. Plus you can use the search to connect with alumni around the globe for insight and guidance. More tips on LinkedIn here. Browse through CareersLink Use the service to search for job vacancies and set-up email alerts for new opportunities. You can find anything from part time jobs, internships, work experience, graduate jobs and voluntary opportunities. Some vacancies are even exclusive for Manchester graduates!   Talk to the Careers Service Whether you are just getting started thinking about your future or have some clear ideas, we can help. Come visit us for a one to one appointment to discuss your career ideas and plans. Can’t come in person? Phone or Skype guidance appointments are available as well. Prepare for interviews Got an interview coming up? We can help! From 1-1 help with preparation and practice to interview simulations, there’s a wealth of resources available to help you build your confidence. Attend a Careers event Looking for jobs or just want to browse? There are plenty of events held every week to cater to your needs. They are a great opportunity to meet people from the organisation and ask any questions you have. There are also workshops and interactive training sessions where you can practice skills for assessment centres or find out about a job from the people who do them. Most importantly, don’t stress. Take one action at a time and make small changes to set yourself up for success. And remember, it’s not too late to start now. All Careerslink final year final year students graduation Interviews LinkedIn

Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Remain Valuable in a Volatile Market [Guest Post] - Career Pivot

How to Remain Valuable in a Volatile Market [Guest Post] - Career Pivot The job market today is incredibly volatile. People are staying with the same company for shorter periods of time (partially due to many companies’ lack of loyalty to their employees). Well educated employees are coming from overseas, companies are outsourcing certain business functions, and many companies employ the tactic of laying off tenured employees in order to cut costs often under the guise of bringing in young blood. The key to keeping your jobâ€"and gaining recognition and promotionâ€"is to become so valuable to the company that they wouldn’t consider moving on without you. The most common suggestion found is to stay up to date with technology which is a given. Here are the top 5 tips on how you can remain valuable in a volatile market. 1. Be Confident and Positive Employers value specific personality traitsin their employees. They are looking for employees who are confident and capable both during the work day and in public. They also want employees who are positive, no matter the situation. The key to being confident in work has a lot to do with the way that you carry yourself. Focus on your posture and your gestures to ensure that you’re giving off an aura of authority and confidence. Then, even when you’re faced with a frustrating situation, tackle it with a smile. 2. Have High Emotional Intelligence In the workplace, those who show emotional intelligence are more valued than those who don’t notice social cues. Havingemotional intelligence in the workplacemeans that you’re able to communicate and express yourself with ease. The term “emotional intelligence” was coined in the 1990s to describe those who were more capable of interacting with others on a mature level. Businessmen quickly came to recognize the importance of having emotional intelligence and made it one of the most important qualities to look for in job candidates. 3. Admire Your Own Work It’s often said that we are our own worst critics. In the workplace, this is especially true. We often compare our work to others which makes us critique ourselves and become less confident. This usually means that the future products that we produce are lower and lower in quality as we feel less confident. Instead, you should focus on the products that you are producing and ignore everyone else. Rather than thinking you’re in a competition with the other employees,be in competition with yourself. In the end, you will learn to admire the work that you produce and feel more confident about yourself. 4. Be Flexible Change is inevitable. As a business grows, it fluctuates. New positions will be created and scrapped within the same hour. New customers will come and go and the location of the business could be changed. A changing business is part of the market. Employers respect those who are able to change with the business. Rather than acting like a stiff, raw spaghetti noodle, act like one that has been boiled. Move, rotate, and twist with whatever changes your employers throws your way. 5. Make Others Feel Important No matter where you stand in the business, you will be more valuable if you can prove that you’re willing to make others feel important and you’re able to celebrate when others succeed. Employers like to have employees who don’t grow bitter when their colleagues are promoted and instead are able to celebrate. Focus your attention on the people around you and prove that you’re the kind of person who reaches outward rather than inward. Conclusion To show your employers that you’re a valuable asset to their team, get to work on time and show them through your work ethic that you consider yourself a valuable member of the team. Employers respect confidence and passion and if you can show them that you have both of those traits, you’ll prove that you’re a needed member of the company. This post was written by Craig Middleton. Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated from UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Monday, May 11, 2020

4 ways to develop your employees (and your business)

4 ways to develop your employees (and your business) The recession may be over, but in many markets its still a tough uphill battle to succeed. Businesses can’t remain competitive without the combined efforts of a top-notch team. And each team member must be enabled and encouraged to reach his or her maximum potential â€" not only for the good of the employee, but for the future of the company. President and CEO of executive advisory firm Dynam Consulting Theresa Ashby helps business leaders understand this critical directive. “A smart leader of a growth-oriented company doesnt just seek employees to fill an immediate need,” says Ashby. “He or she hires with an eye toward an employees potential, keeping in mind future needs of the company.” So how do you help employees grow toward their full potential? Ashby suggests four important ways: 1. Understand each of your players and their goals Begin with a simple conversation. Ask key questions such as, Whats your dream job? and, “What do you enjoy most at work?” Try not to project what you think that person needs to succeed. Instead, listen carefully, and then do your best to understand and implement a plan to ensure your employee achieves his/her goals, especially when they match the demands of your business. If youre head of the accounting department, dont assume that the star director is dreaming of an advanced career in finance. Look beyond â€" see your company of tomorrowâ€" and you’ll detect a broader scope of potential career paths in your workplace. Then, identify steps that would propel him or her into becoming a successful contributor in a different way in that future. 2. Hunt for hidden team treasure Your employees most likely have hidden skills that, if tapped, could be benefitting your company. Take a long hard look at the individuals in your organization. Who is your next executive leader? Who is going to answer the needs of your company during a growth phase? Who is the best candidate for a critical project? Take stock of each employees skills, accomplishments, demonstrated talents, goals, and potential for growth in key core areas such as leadership. What if great talents are hiding below the surface and you’re missing them? A team member may dream of a promotion. Make it a tangible goal, a potential reality with development of suitable skills for the job. This doesnt need to be a difficult or technical process: Learn more about the employee’s aspirational dreams Guide the employee through the conversation toward a destination that works for both of you Advise the employee of available resources Keep it an open and continuing dialogue versus a one-time lecture or directive 3. Make coaches available Ashby strongly suggests embracing external coaching programs. “There is something to be said for making outside coaches available to your entire team. As an executive, youre providing a resource that can exponentially increase ones capacity; the employee can up their game as a leader and accomplish corporate initiatives faster and more efficiently. From the employee’s perspective, they can feel free to ask any questions of an outsider without feeling they have endangered their career path and they gain a fresh outside perspective. All great coaches push people to perform at their peak. When employees are free to learn and develop their knowledge base and skills set, they’ll improve their performance and will also be ready when the company needs them to step into accomplishing more demanding initiatives.” 4. Save some grease for the quiet cog They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. And that can be useful in dealing with employees who are struggling and need further development. But what about the outstanding performer? If someone is performing well in a position, dont assume thats where the employee should remain. A lot of people want to be included in leadership development, receive mentoring toward their goals, or get executive coaching to develop their business acumen. But they are often overlooked for this support and coaching because theyre already so good at their current role. They may even work up the courage to ask to be included in leadership development and still be overlooked. Are you focused too much on employees who need more basic help? Invest resources in the right employee. Dont lose a great employee who deserves to be accelerated. If you dont recognize talent and potential beyond current successes â€" a true hot commodity â€" some other company surely will. Once an employee feels valued enough for executive and managerial development, performance rockets to the highest levels, your company’s assets grow, and you create a competitive advantage. Retention of already-great employees improves when they feel valued and are offered a path to new adventures. Ashby reminds us a growth-oriented company begins with growth-oriented employees. It’s up to you to make it happen for them. And if your company needs a staff full of heroes, they’ll make it happen for you. Join Dana Manciagli’s Job Search Master Class right now and immediately access the most comprehensive job search system currently available!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Professional Resume Writing Service - Find the Best One For Free

Professional Resume Writing Service - Find the Best One For FreeIf you are looking for a professional resume writing service free of charge then you need to do your homework. I am not saying that you should not get anything for free, but most of the services which you get on the internet do come with a price.However, you cannot look at it as just a free service. Many of the sites offer many more services that they are not offering free of charge. There are many writers, which offer services such as editorial writing and creative writing for magazines, newspapers, books, press releases, internet articles, online journals and so on.If you look at it in this way then it can be seen that the free service is not the only one available. The amount that you pay depends on the nature of the work and how much time is available to you to spend. A talented writer may not be able to provide you with a large quantity of service free of charge, but it may be possible to do with much less time.So h ow do you choose a professional resume writing service that has not asked for a single cent for their services? Well, it is not always easy to find one for free. Most of the sites that offer free services charge you a few dollars for every completed project. But if you find the right website then you can easily do the entire job for a few dollars.You should therefore consider the qualities of the writer and the general idea that you want to convey to the company. You should first of all look at their previous clients, and if possible find out how long they have been in the business. You should also find out if they have a good reputation and if you find any comments about their services on different blogs or forums.Now after finding out the qualities of the resume writer you need to search for the best writers available online. You can use free services online and pay only when you find a good one. But for people who can afford to pay money then they will be able to find a decent wr iter.If you hire a resume writing service that asks for a penny for each completed resume then you will not be able to get the same quality and detail from them. They will not be able to put all your details in order, and they may not be able to produce your resume in time for your interview.If you use free services then you will not be able to produce a complete resume. You will also be in a position where you are unable to provide the services required by the company if you have to do all the work yourself.